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Call in the same room without feedback or echo


Between’s API helps video apps solve hybrid meetings. No echoes, no feedback, just clear, AI-powered audio. Get started in a couple minutes with a pre-built app, or integrate Between into your existing virtual office, videoconferencing or virtual event app!

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Hello everyone 👋🏼 Super excited to bring Between to Product Hunt today. I was heavily impressed when David and Daniyal shared their vision of why they are building a video API instead of video apps. They are enabling so many remote-friendly use cases that might help founders explore solving unique problems we all face when we work in a distributed setting. If you are a dev trying to build a video app, Between is for you. Their tech is phenomenal, and I can guarantee they make your product look insanely well! Try it out and let them know your feedback below.

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We're super pumped to launch Between, more than happy to answer any questions/comments on the tech/product/vision or anything! We'll be here all day :)

🚀 We're excited to launch Between, an AI-powered Audio API that revolutionizes hybrid meetings! 🔧 Our AI-driven API resolves the major pain points of hybrid meetings: -Eliminating echo and feedback -Ensuring remote callers are easily heard with all speakers on -Ensuring people in the room are heard with dynamic microphone switching 💡 Key benefits of using Between: Not only do you get affordable video, you also get AI-enhanced crystal-clear audio for all participants. It’s easy to integrate for any application. 🌉 Fostering Inclusive Cultures: By leveraging AI to improve audio quality and communication, we break down barriers in hybrid meetings, enabling everyone to be heard when they want to be heard. 👩‍💻 Developers, Rejoice: With Between, you can easily clone or build a fully functional video app from scratch or effortlessly integrate it into your existing solution. Some things you can build with Between: -videoconferencing app -spatial chat app -virtual/hybrid office platform -virtual/hybrid events platform -& many more! ⏰ Exclusive Offer: For a limited time, new customers who sign up will receive up to 10,000 minutes of premium AI-enhanced API call credits - only available today! 📣 We’d love to hear what you think! We're going to respond to every comment/feedback given to us! Please leave a comment below here on ProductHunt! Try Between and let us know your experience! 💬 🙌

Much-needed capability to make the hybrid meeting as seamless as in-person meetings. Congrats on the launch

I'm so excited for no more microphone roulette! Been waiting for this for a long time. Congrats on the launch, team!

Awesome, there's a lot more work to be done on remote & hybrid meetings for sure, you go guys!

Congratulations on the launch!! Excited for multi-device echo to be a problem of the past!

I'm an early adopter of Between & the experience is mostly good but has glimmers of real magic. When all mics and speakers are on things just move faster and you get people who are more engaged. Can't wait for what's on their roadmap

Yes, that background noise disturbs us a lot. Solving that with a tool would be much helpful for us! Thanks!

This looks amazing!! Meeting rooms in offices are often so poorly optimized for multiple people. Keen to try it out

Guys, congrats on the launch. It's the problem and I'm glad you brought this elegant solution. And by the way, I really love your video - not another boring commercial demo!

Congratulations on the launch. Do you have a git page with some sample apps built on top of your APIs? Would love to kick the tires a bit. Also any plans for Swift SDK?