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Share digital files after death

Global Nomad

Bequeath is a revolutionary website designed to ensure your voice is heard, even when you're no longer around. With Bequeath, you can securely deposit digital elements such as messages, videos, and more, to be shared with your loved ones after you pass away.

Top comment is set to our digital legacies, offering crucial features like Digital Legacy Management. To everyone reading this, your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of Together, we can ensure this platform meets and exceeds user needs. For instance the SaaS is in minimum viable product, any advices are appreciated :)

Comment highlights

@eflay - thanks or creating I just went your website and it looks very interesting and something I will pass on to family members.

"The launch of Bequeath is truly inspiring! @eflay It's wonderful to see a platform dedicated to preserving and sharing heartfelt messages and memories.

@eflay The secure deposit of digital elements for loved ones is a fantastic feature. Quick question: how does Bequeath ensure the security and privacy of the stored messages and videos? This would be crucial for users to feel confident in using the service.

@eflay The idea of leaving messages and videos for loved ones is truly heartwarming. However, I think the user interface could be more intuitive. Simplifying the navigation and making key features more accessible could enhance the overall user experience.

Truly amazing and kinda serious product, good job by you and the team creating this great mvp, How did you come up with this idea?

Congratulations on your launch! This is a thoughtful tool. There's one part on your website I'd like clarification on: When will you send the reminder about the legacy message? Here's my understanding of the text (please correct me if I'm wrong): "Once the legacy message is released, the message will be sent to the email addresses I provided in the 'Recipient' field. The recipients will then be prompted to confirm whether I am gone. I ju This means I'll receive a reminder to confirm that I'm still alive. If I don't respond on time, the recipients will be contacted and asked to confirm my passing before the message is delivered. How often do I need to confirm that I am still alive?

I think Blockchain is perfect for this, I launched a product called Postschain a year ago that post permanent messages in Blockchain... Maybe you guys can do something similar. Good luck.

I had this idea for more than 7+ years already but never actually build it. Congratulations!

Grats on the launch!🚀 A product with such concept BEGS for a one-off lifetime membership purchase option🙂

for an MVP, this is awesome! Landing page could be improved. Love the overall vibe! Congrats!

Oooh this is interesting though. Congratulations on your launch, Edouard! just gave it a good upvote

Hi Edouard, This is such a thoughtful concept. How does Bequeath ensure the security and privacy of the digital elements stored on the platform? I'd love to hear more about the technology behind it. Congrats on the launch!

This is quite a brave product. 😁 And very difficult to promote it cause it involves a serious topic/event. Do you have any strategy on how to market it and creatively promote it?