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Get a balanced life

Quantified Self

A self-coaching tool that will help you get a big picture of what is going on in your life.

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Hey Product Hunters! I’m Andrés, one of the makers of Balance, a self-coaching tool that will help you get a big picture of what is going on in your life. 🤔 Why Balance? Have you ever felt burned out, stressed, or lost? (If not, congratulations! Tell us how you do! haha😁) Balance helps you step back, assess your life across key areas, and identify what needs a boost. ✨How Does Balance Help You? ✅ AI-Powered Insights: Get a personalized snapshot of your life balance with actionable suggestions. ✅ Track Your Progress: See how you're performing over time with historical score comparisons. ✅ Build an Action Plan: Turn insights into action with a guided plan to improve your weaker areas. 🤓 My Personal Story I discovered the wheel of life exercise with an assignment from my life coach a couple years ago. It's a simple yet highly effective exercise that helps you visualize your life's current status. I used to do this exercise on paper, but it was hard to keep track of them, plus nowadays with AI, it is easier to get insights for reflection. While Balance isn't designed for daily use, I've found that doing this exercise once a week is ideal for making meaningful changes in your life that yield noticeable results. 💚 Our Vision Balance is part of Good Life, our suite of tools for holistic wellness. This is just a small step toward that journey 😊 We are a small team of two brothers, and your feedback is very valuable to us. Thank you for your support!

Comment highlights

Love the holistic approach with Good Life. Are there plans to expand the suite with complementary tools in the future?

Congratulations on launch! I would like to ask if the data needs to be manually entered? How can we ensure the accuracy of the data to provide reasonable suggestions?

Congrats on the launch! I gave the Balance a try and see you list a section beneath the wheel of life called AI-Insights, I'd like to know what model/AI tool you use to extract and provide the insight?

Gentile app with a lot help for any down feellings stuff, ley us see in another hands our troubles and using a good tecnology for get better improvenment in day bye day. Personal, private, discreet and easy; It just wonderfull.

Congrats on the launch, Andrés! I'm very excited to give Balance a try. Love the focus on holistic wellness and wishing you and your team all the best on this journey!

Hey Andrés, Balance is such a wholesome concept, congrats on the launch! 🚀 I'm a psychologist turned strategist so I truly appreciate the positive influence you want to create with Balance. Would love to see a paid version of Balance for businesses and organizations to step up their support services for employees. No better push than an empathetic employer encouraging individuals to follow healthy sel-coaching practices. Go well bud!

congratulations on the launch of balance, andrés and diego. it's great to see tools that help manage life's complexities. i’m curious about the ai insights feature—could you elaborate on how it personalizes the suggestions for users based on their input data?

I’ve been working in the self-improvement space with Neurture for a while now and I love to see how people are doing visuals like this because it’s so appealing to the eye. I love the customization of the wheel too. Good luck on the launch!

Hello Andrés and team! I must say, Balance addresses a common need for many individuals striving to achieve a sense of well-being in their lives. Thank you for sharing Balance with the Product Hunt community. Looking forward to seeing how Balance evolves. Best wishes for the success of Balance and the Good Life suite of tools.

Your product is quite impressive, team! The concept is truly intriguing. I'm eager to know, what exciting milestones or features are you planning for the next phase of development? Keep up the great work!

Congratulations on launching Balance! I love the concept and how the visuals effectively illustrate areas of focus to achieve a balanced life. The onboarding process was quick and straightforward, though there seemed to be a pause between onboarding and the next step—it might be helpful to add a loading indicator to reassure users that it's still working. The font size at 12px was a bit small for comfortable reading. Overall, great work on this self-coaching tool!

@andressul looks cool, will give it a try and meanwhile I've upvoted it. Out of curiosity, what's the reason behind choosing that name considering the meditation and sleep app called Balance too?