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Advanced Design System for Figma

Design Tools
Design templates

Atomize empowers designers to create modern and visually appealing user interfaces and websites, while eliminating tedious tasks.

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Hello everyone! I'm excited to introduce the brand new Atomize Design System! It incorporates the latest Figma features such as Variants and tokens. Included in this package are more than 200 styles (Typography, Effects, and Color), over 200 variables (Surface, Text, Outlines, and Radius), and 700+ components (Buttons, Form Elements, Navigation, Web3, and more). It also offers pre-made layout samples, a one-click dark mode option, and a fully tokenized design using Figma variables. Looking forward to your feedback.

Comment highlights

it sounds like the perfect tool for all of us who want to create beautiful interfaces without spending ages on mundane tasks! I can see how Atomize can make designers' lives much easier and interfaces more impressive

Hello Akash, Congratulations on launching Atomize! The integration of Figma's latest features like Variants and tokens sounds like a game-changer for designers. The breadth of components and the one-click dark mode option are particularly impressive. Can you share how Atomize might streamline the workflow for teams working on large-scale projects? Wishing you the best with your launch!

Looks sleek and still has all the intricacies to get any design done, Love it @akashtyagi027

Congratulations on your launch, @akashtyagi027 ! Amazing! We've seen a lot of similar designs already, when can we expect a design system for mobile?