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Apply AI

Customize your resume with AI

Artificial Intelligence

Harness the power of AI to create a resume that stands out. Simply upload your CV and the job description you're targeting, and let our technology craft a personalized resume that highlights your best fit for the role.

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Great Work, Team! Apply AI looks super handy for businesses! Does it offer ready-to-use AI models, or is everything built from scratch?

Comment highlights

🎉 Huge congratulations on the launch of Apply AI! 🎉 It’s amazing to see how you’re solving such a crucial pain point, customizing resumes to align with job descriptions is so important in today’s competitive job market. At InterWiz, we’re also leveraging AI but focused on evaluating candidates through technical interviews. We align student resumes with subject-specific questions, and our AI Interviewer conducts assessments, providing insights into whether a candidate is a good fit for tech roles. It's incredible how AI can personalize both resumes and hiring decisions for recruiters. Wishing you continued success!

As a freelancer, if one day I decide to quit freelancing, I will need your tool to create a new resume. Haha!

Congrats on launching this innovative product! 🎉 Harnessing the power of AI to enhance resumes is a game-changer. The ability to tailor a CV specifically to a job description is something that can truly set candidates apart in today's competitive job market. This tool not only saves time but also ensures that key skills and experiences are highlighted effectively. Can't wait to see how this will help job seekers land their dream roles. Well done! 🚀👏

Hey @petritavd, congrats on the launch! I tried using Apply AI & it's not bad! Really exceeded my expectations!👌 A few things that you could improve - 1. Provide a few more templates for resumes for different designs. 2. Allow shifting the sections up & down. Like I wanted my work to be above and the study section last. 3. Cover letter could be improved a lot. Do add the company name & role name for starters. Hope this feedback helps! All the best 👍

It would be great to include a feature for users to input specific achievements they want to emphasize. That could make resumes even stronger!

This AI-driven resume builder sounds fantastic! The ability to upload both your CV and the job description for personalized adjustments is a game changer. This AI-driven resume builder sounds fantastic! The ability to upload both your CV and the job description for personalized adjustments is a game changer. I’m particularly excited about how it highlights the best fit for roles, ensuring that candidates present their most relevant skills. Congratulations on the launch!

Great launch! I can’t wait to see how this helps job seekers land their dream roles. Thanks for sharing this tool!

The concept is user-friendly, making it accessible for anyone looking to enhance their job search efficiency. Great innovation in the field of career development!

i think this is really helpful for all people 😊 congratulations for your launch👏

from 30 hours to under 1 hour is n incredible time sving love how it reduces the time spent on creating resumes nd covers letters!

Customizing each CV manually can be exhausting, so automating that process sounds like a Good!this tools like promising for me applying to multiple position

I think the ability to analyze job descriptions and tailor your resume accordingly is a brilliant feature. Makes you feel more confident that your application will match what companies are looking for

The focus on personalization and keyword optimization makes it a standout for anyone in a job hunt.

Congrats on the launch! I’m really impressed by the way it personalizes each resume based on job description. Definitely a step up from the traditional methods of jobs hunting.

I noticed that the login button on the main page was a bit slow to load. Other than that, everything else looks solid and very user-friendly