AI or Not is an AI detector trusted by 100k+ users that checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more. We help businesses stop fraud, power content moderation and prevent KYC scams.
Hey Product Hunters 🚀
Every new technology has a positive and negative impact on the world; Generative AI is no different. AI or Not is here to protect you from being fooled by AI.
We’re on a mission to bring trust and authenticity back to the internet with AI detection. We detect if images have been AI generated and the exact model used to create them.
- Want to confirm that the image you’re seeing on X is real?
- Need to know if a profile picture of a new user is authentic?
- Have to verify users with identity documents?
Check with AI or Not!
Thanks for supporting & joining us on this journey!
I’ll be here all day. If you have any questions, just ask!
- Toly
Great product, thank you for including a Free version as well. Congratulations on your launch!
I think services like this will only get more and more important as generative AI tools increasingly become ubiquitous. Great work on this! I couldn't find it on your website, but maybe I missed it -- the first question I have with these technologies is how accurate is it, and do you have any metrics on the false-positive rate? Thanks!
This sounds like a powerful and essential tool for businesses. Congratulations on the launch!
This is an amazing product, congratulations on the launch Toly! I love how detailed your API documentation is. I was wondering, do you folks have text/blog detection as well?
Congrats on the launch! How does it maintain accuracy in its detection, and what measures are taken to keep the technology updated as AI-generated content becomes more sophisticated?
Congratulations on the launch, Toly! AI or Not sounds like a game-changer in the fight against fraud and maintaining authenticity online.
I'm curious, how accurate is the AI detection in identifying the exact model used to create the AI-generated content?
Best of luck with AI or Not!