Learn practical AI skills by committing to the 100DaysOfAI challenge. It has 3 rules: 1. Publicly commit 2. Learn AI for at least 30 mins a day 3. Share your progress. Get free daily lessons straight to your inbox. Commit now. Start Jan 1st, 2024 ⚡
The onramp to leveraging AI in your daily work and life,
for everyone who hasn't really started with AI yet.
For your colleagues, friends, uncles and aunts, or yourself,
everyone who's curious about the possibilities with AI but doesn't really know where to start.
This guided track, with one bite-sized mini-challenge a day,
gets you into action right from the start 🚀
This definitely did the trick for me,
when I participated with the #100DaysOfNoCode challenge myself.
And now we have an AI track too!
Hey everyone, I’m Max 👋
This is my third time launching on PH and it’s still a little scary but here goes…
In February when the AI hype cycle fully hit, I was in a good ol’ existential spiral.
Jargon like AGI or LLM's went straight over my head, I kept seeing mindblowing usecases for AI yet had no idea how to implement them myself…oh and I just had this continual sense of anxiety about all of it without knowing why.
🤨 Problem.
To escape the spiral, I thought I’d “start learning about this stuff”.
But without knowing what I don’t know, I was totally overwhelmed. I didn’t know where to start, which tools to try etc…
So I needed something that was more structured and sustainable.
😎 Solution
That’s when I decided to set myself the challenge of learning practical AI skills for 30 mins everyday for 100 days in April. There the 100DaysOfAI Challenge was born. And since, 1K+ people have taken part.
It has 3 simple but powerful rules to live by...
1. Publicly commit ⏭ to feel the force of social accountability
2. Learn for at least 30 mins everyday ⏭ so each day compounds on top of the next
3. Share your progress with others ⏭ to get feedback + support as you learn
😎 😎 An Even Better Solution
But whilst this is a good system for learning, the question still remains “what should I learn”?
That’s why I’ve created a totally free, fun and effective way to learn practical AI skills in just 30 minute a day with fully guided bitesized lessons delivered straight to your inbox.
No more AI anxiety, wondering where to start and what tools to use, just daily action.
You'll learn everything from building chatbots, creating art, data analysis and much more - all skills that will give you superhuman output.
I hope this makes your AI learning journey a little less rocky than mine! Would love any feedback you have 👇
Build leverage over your time, money and ideas by learning probably the most important skill of 2024.
Commit today. Starting Jan 1st
Thankyou for hunting us @chrismessina 🙏
Hi Max!
I subscribed to the newsletter and can't wait to see what the impact of this newsletter will be on my life and what I will learn from it. Challenge accepted 🎉
Congrats on the launch!
This course should be shared with everyone. Including in schools. The next generation needs to be AI first.
Congrats on the launch.
Love the concept. For someone with a non-tech background, how beginner-friendly is the challenge?
Looks like an incredible product. I am quite interested in AI myself, I don't think I will ever really be an AI pro or even someone who builds anything off AI but I do like to stay knowledgeable so that I can provide my opinions in important discussions and frame things in a better way. Definitely going to be checking this out! :)
Truly informational, sensational and useful tools for Learning AI About its effectiveness.