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10015 Tools

All-in-one toolbox for your most used tools

Design Tools
Developer Tools is your all-in-one online tool factory, offering a diverse range of tools across various categories. It provides these tools through a clean and beautifully designed user interface, ensuring you have everything you need in one convenient location.

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Hello everyone 👋 As a software developer, like many of you, I frequently use various online tools. However, I often encountered tools that were poorly designed, user-unfriendly, and seemingly stuck in the early 2000s. Motivated by this, I initially created an online toolbox solely for my personal use, focusing on tools with a clean and intuitive UI/UX. The project has since expanded significantly, and I'm excited to share that the website now attracts over 350,000 visitors each month and has 25,000 registered users. I hope you find it as useful as I do!

Comment highlights

Oh, wow! @fatihtelis I'm so glad to come across these amazing resources you have put together. The social media category is worth exploring. About the product finder, does it only search for products you have curated on your site, or do the searches expand beyond your website? Keep up with the great collection. Good UI and UX make a difference when we want to perform our tasks.

Congrats the tool you built is amazing and the range of tools and sleek interface is impressive. Curious, what categories of tools do you find users to rely on the most?

Hi! The growth of your online toolbox is impressive. Could you share some of the key design principles or user feedback that guided the development of your clean and intuitive UI/UX? Great launch!

WOW, yes, this is what we need. There are so many of these utility tools online and honestly, I don't know if I can trust some of them...(also low key, I love how you have 5+ social sign in!). Congrats and thanks you so much for building this tool for the community @fatihtelis!

Congratulations, I just submitted my product EverCraft. Even before launching it on Product Hunt!

Congrats @fatihtelis on your launch! Many thanks for the user-friendly toolbox, I've been using for a couple years now. And with each visit, saw that something new has been added - keep building!

Wow! I didn't know about this tool until today. Great job! And congratulations on launching here.

Super useful collection- very impressive to put it all together and package it up so nicely!

I've been using this suite of tools for at least a couple years now. Not only are the tools good, but the UI makes it really a joy to use. Lots of useful features; I have several bookmarked. Recommended.

Congrats on the launch! Now we have filtered and clean database to choose from! Thanks.

This is a really impressive collection of tools! What plans do you have for new tools or features in the future?

Having such a diverse range of tools in one place is super convenient. Great work!