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Turn your study notes into exam questions

Turn your notes into interactive quizzes. Simply import your notes, and generate practice exams in seconds. Get feedback on your answers and share your quizzes with your friends and classmates. Sign up for free!

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Hey learners & educators 👋 I am Marc, and I would like to present Zenquiz - an AI web app that can turn your study notes, summaries, textbook excerpts, etc. into exam ready quiz questions. 🧐 How does it work? The setup is easy and designed to be as low friction as possible. 1. Import your study documents. You can our integrations of Google Drive and Notion, upload Word and text files, or simply create an empty document and write or paste in your texts. 2. Choose a quiz type. You can pick between Multiple Choice, True/False, and Fill-in-the-gap quizzes. Try as many types as you like. 3. Generate! Our questions are interactive and integrated into an engaging UI. All of your generated questions are saved in your account and you can bundle them into larger quizzes from multiple documents. 🎯 Who is Zenquiz for? Zenquiz is designed to make studying easier and personalized to the learning content. Students benefit from the instant quiz generation that is 100% based on the study documents provided. This app is also useful for educators who want to use the powerful AI to automate their study content. 😅 I could just use ChatGPT for that! Yes, you can. However, Zenquiz offers some unique features to make AI quiz generation way more convient: - Interactive UI: Answer options are clickable, fill-in-the-gap questions have a text input for learners to use. Upon answering, the quiz will give you instant feedback of your response which promotes learning retention - Easy organization: You create documents based on your study content and generate quizzes for them. You can organize documents into folders. Lastly, you can bundle generated quizzes into bigger quizzes from multiple documents. Every quiz generated is saved and easily accessible. You can always go back and answer a quiz question again. - Seamless import: No need to copy from other apps or files into ChatGPT. You can easily log into Google Drive or Notion, or simply upload your document. All of your document formatting will be retained. - Export feature: Every quiz generated can be exported, so you can print them out and bring them into class