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Expand your vocabulary

Vocavo, expand your vocabulary effortlessly! Improve your language prowess with collection lists and custom flashcards. Whether you're a language enthusiast or want to improve your language skills, Vocavo is your go-to app to lear and master new words!

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Hi everyone I'm Ivan, from Sicily! 🇮🇹 Vocavo was born from a need of mine: to learn Lithuanian, because, well... my girlfriend is Lithuanian. 🇱🇹 I looked for several alternatives, but the most popular language learning apps don't include Lithuanian, and I preferred more of a flashcard-based approach. Vocavo currently allows you to add different "collections" and "cards" for each collection. I'm currently trying to figure out if it's a good idea and if it's useful for other people besides myself. I already have several improvements in mind, which I would work on in case of positive feedback, therefore, I await advice, criticism and/or compliments, based on what you think of my application. These are the ideas on how to improve it, let me know if they seem useful to you too: - 🔔 Notifications to use the app, with frequency and time that can be set; - 👤 Account creation and online implementation to connect from different devices; - 📊 Usage statistics; - 📊 Statistics to better understand which collections or cards to focus on most; - 🏆 Badges, for a bit of gamification; - ⚡ Quick card insertion (optional), with text area; - 🖌️ UI/UX improvements if required; I hope you try the app (currently only for Android) and many respond in the comments for advice on any improvements to be made or confirmations regarding those I have already thought of.