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VirtualCoffee AI by Trivia

Introduce teammates 1v1, spark conversations in Slack, Teams

Just like in-office coffee rituals, VirtualCoffee powered by ChatGPT helps you recreate that for your remote/hybrid teams. Introduce teammates 1v1, skip awkward small talk and spark casual conversations - on Slack or MS Teams.

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Hey PH fam 🤓🙌🏽 600,000+ employees from 40,000 organizations+ across the globe leverage Trivia for team building. And today, I am excited to hunt Trivia's newest feature - VirtualCoffee with ChatGPT 💥 💡 What is VirtualCoffee AI by Trivia? Just like in-office coffee rituals do more than keep you caffeinated, VirtualCoffee helps you recreate that coffee culture irrespective of your geography. ☕️ Enable VirtualCoffee in a channel inside Slack or MS Teams 🤝 Once done, Trivia automatically introduces colleagues and prompts them to get to know each other better 🤖 Spark fun conversations with interesting Ice-Breaker questions generated by ChatGPT 🗣️ With conversation starters, encourage virtual catch-ups or even better - help them get on a call. This repeats every 2/4/12 weeks ⭐️⭐️ Introducing people has never been easier ⭐️⭐️ 🤝 Pair-up individuals 1v1 Trivia will select people from your Intro channel and will send a DM encouraging them to meet up for lunch, snacks or even a virtual coffee! 🔁 Facilitate cross-team connections Break silos and spark conversations across distances or departments. Build trust and up the fun factor every time you catch up with peers. 💗 Watch your connections grow Discover new things such as shared interests, hobbies and more. Make getting to know each other fun and foster meaningful connections. So, give it a try in your Slack or MS teams workspace today. Introduce teammates 1v1, skip the tension of awkward small talk and spark casual conversations. ✅ For Slack: https://trivia-slack.springworks... ✅ For MS Teams: https://trivia-teams.springworks... And let us know your feedback 🙏🏽