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Take back control of your phone privacy
Veritel keeps your personal phone number private with real, PHYSICAL numbers. Stop spam calls and texts, sign up or verify accounts with peace of mind, and stay in control of your privacy—no more leaks, no more stress.
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Hey folks, I’m Dany, and I’m thrilled to introduce to you. There was a time when your phone number was truly private; a piece of information you shared cautiously. Even today, if a stranger asks for your number, you might hesitate. Ask for a social media handle? No problem. But somewhere along the way, companies have started to think that getting your phone number is standard and expected. And most of us comply without a second thought. The result? Your number becomes a key to your identity. Combined with the other information you provide, companies can build a perfect profile of you and in most cases, sell it. The impact is clear: spam texts, endless calls from unknown numbers, and a growing sense of frustration. Remember that hesitation you feel every time you’re asked for your number? That’s exactly why we created We believe privacy shouldn’t be a compromise. provides virtual numbers for online registrations, keeping your personal number private and shielding you from spam. Whether you’re signing up for an app, verifying an account, or just trying to stay anonymous, puts control back into your hands. is designed to protect your privacy and ensure your digital communication is secure and hassle-free. No more spam. No more worrying about where your information ends up. Today, we’re launching on Product Hunt, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this journey with you. If privacy, security, and efficiency are as important to you as they are to us, we’d love for you to check out Let us know your thoughts. We’re here to listen, improve, and grow with you. Stay anonymous. Stay secure. With