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A/B testing -> The Google Optimize Successor, Google Optimize's successor, offers unlimited experiments, traffic, and team members for a fix price of 99€/month. Enjoy a 30-day free trial, no credit card needed. Create A/B tests with a visual or code editor, no programming skills required.

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Hey Product Hunters! 👋 We're thrilled to introduce to this amazing community. is born from our passion for making website optimization accessible and effective for everyone. WHAT IS IT?🌟 is an innovative A/B testing platform offering unlimited testing capabilities with a user-friendly interface. It's tailored for marketers and website owners who want to optimize their online presence without the complexities. WHAT'S INCLUDED? 🔁Unlimited A/B Testing 🌐Seamless Integration with Any Website or E-commerce Platform 🔒GDPR Compliance for Data Privacy 💳30-Day Free Trial Without Credit Card Requirement 💶Fixed Pricing Model at 99 €/Month will transform how you approach website optimization. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and feedback! 💬🚀