Personal Active Lists (PALs) take what you write and automatically create reminders/events, detect tasks, get product links, map directions, and 30+ more use-cases. "AI features that are genuinely helpful, not just gimmicks."
I'm Joe (here with @parkeraklein) and we are the Twos Guys. Today we are launching our AI-powered 'Twos PALs' feature which actually acts on things you write down.
Here’s how PALs work:
Analyze: Simply write things down and PALs analyze what you've captured.
Categorize: PALs then categorize your things as an event, reminder, product, movie, and 30 more examples.
Suggest: Movies get streaming info, products get shopping links, phone numbers get added to your contacts, and more. If no smart suggestion is available, nothing happens!
We’re a small team obsessed with building the best place to write things down, and we’d love your feedback. Try PALs today and let us know what future examples you'd like us to incorporate!
Thank you all so much! We’ll be here all day answering questions and chatting. ✌️