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Hairstyle try on that saves you time & money

Use just one selfie to generate multiple AI hairstyles to pick from! Try different hairstyles to find out what suits you & save yourself from embarassing haircuts.

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[ 20% off for next 48 hours + New christmas pack on the site! ] Did you ever feel unsure about a hairstyle that you wanted badly but was a huge commitment? Ever had an intrusive thought at the barbershop but couldn't follow through because the consequence was living with it? That's where TryHairstyle saves you. Don't ever think back in terms of ifs and buts, be absolute sure of what hair you're rocking. Hey everyone, I'm Mehul and I'd love for you to check out TryHairstyle and if possible - give it an upvote :) TryHairstyle currently includes packs of 30 / 60 and 120 hairstyles that help you decide which hairstyle will look good on you, and breathe a sigh of relief for the ones that won't ever. We're constantly adding features that remove the embarrassments of random haircuts and put the decision back in your hand. Thanks! :D