TrackBlue is your ultimate free analytics tool for Bluesky. Gain superior insights into your performance, track post metrics over time, compare with platform averages, analyze viral success, and maintain posting streaks to stay consistent and grow effectively!
Hey Product Hunters! 👋
I’m excited to introduce TrackBlue - a free, feature-packed analytics tool designed specifically for Bluesky users! 🌟
Over the past few weeks, I noticed how challenging it can be to track performance and grow consistently on Bluesky, so I built a tool to make it easier. TrackBlue is your go-to platform for unlocking actionable insights and taking your Bluesky presence to the next level. 🚀
Here’s what you can do with TrackBlue:
📊 Superior Analytics: Dive into detailed insights about your Bluesky performance.
📈 Performance Tracking: Monitor post engagement and trends over time.
⚡ Viral Analysis: Learn what drives your content to go viral.
🔥 Streak Tracking: Stay consistent with streak monitoring.
📌 Benchmarking: Compare your performance against platform averages.
#️⃣ Hashtag Analytics: Discover trending hashtags and optimize your reach.
TrackBlue is built to help you grow, engage, and make smarter decisions on Bluesky. I’d love for you to try it and share your feedback! 🦋