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Read more in less time

Use AI to automatically curate and summarize your feeds, providing a clean, concise digest at your chosen time.

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Hello Product Hunt friends 👋 We are excited to introduce Tidyread to you all, which we have crafted with love 🥰 I'm Jared, the founder of Tidyread, a customizable information summary tool powered by AI. Our mission is to help you read more in less time and bring order to your information consumption. As someone with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), I often get easily distracted. Algorithmic recommendations exploit my vulnerabilities, triggering FOMO and catering to my impulses, which leaves me feeling out of control and overwhelmed. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I once thought RSS readers could solve my problem, but they came with new challenges: 1. Many sources only provide titles or truncated summaries, forcing me to click through to see if it’s content I want. Often, I realize halfway through that it’s not what I want, wasting my time. 2. When I don’t read for a while, information accumulates rapidly. Although I can clear it with one click, the psychological burden of catching up feels like having 300 overdue tasks silently sitting in my to-do list, making it hard to start again. 3. As my subscriptions grew, reading during fragmented times made me feel overwhelmed by a torrent of information, exacerbating my anxiety. It felt like an endless social media feed. 💡 So, my partners and I created an ADHD-friendly reader that can also help those who want to establish their own information consumption routine: 1. Utilizes AI to filter, summarize, and translate interesting sources, delivering a daily digest and making reading a routine. 2. Combines powerful AI filters with comprehensive traditional filtering capabilities to help you focus on what truly interests you. 3. Allows pausing at any level: the entire Tidyread, a specific topic, or a particular source. 4. Provides the flexibility to plan topics and customize summary prompts by topic, offering more tailored content. 5. Offers an efficient reading mode to keep your reading flow smooth. Moreover, we've worked hard to reduce your usage costs. For example, most scenarios filtered out by our filters won’t trigger an AI call. We also support dynamic prompts that can declare when the content is too large and only provide a portion to the AI for summarization. Our comprehensive usage control features allow you to set limits for daily or specific topic consumption. As a special gift for our Product Hunt community, we’ve prepared a custom Product Hunter Recipe. You can remix it and receive a filtered and summarized product inspiration digest at a chosen time each day, bringing you continuous inspiration. Of course, you can also freely customize your own exclusive digest! Simply click "Visit" on the PH page to claim your gift. We’d love to hear from you with any questions, feedback, or even just a hi! 🫡 Thank you for your support!