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The DuckDB Local UI

Easily explore local data files with DuckDB

The DuckDB UI makes powerful local data analysis work for everyone with a fast, efficient user experience. You can also sign in to MotherDuck to persist files and tables to a cloud data warehouse crafted for using DuckDB at scale for analytics and sharing data

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DuckDB is fairly new to the modern data scene, but it has quickly become the go-to choice for developers, analysts, and data engineers who want a fast, efficient, local analytics workflow.

Today, we’re proud to share a first-class UI experience for DuckDB, a project built in collaboration with DuckDB Labs to support the broader DuckDB community.

This lightweight, intuitive interface makes it easier than ever to explore data, write queries, and get instant insights, all powered by DuckDB.

After three years of working with DuckDB, I continue to be surprised by its speed, power, and simplicity. I'm thrilled to introduce another way to make DuckDB even more accessible for everyone, from individual analysts to large data teams.

We’d love for you to take a quack at the DuckDB UI and let us know what you think.