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That's Rank!
Monitor Google rankings with beautiful simplicity
Track your website's Google rankings effortlessly. Get daily updates, historical data, and actionable SEO insights - all in a beautiful, easy-to-use interface. Free while in beta!
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Hey Product Hunt! Happy New Year! 👋 I'm Josh, the founder of That's Rank! I built this tool because I was frustrated with how complex and expensive most rank tracking tools are. I wanted something that was both powerful and beautifully simple. That's Rank! helps you: • Track rankings for up to 15 domains and 300 keywords • Get daily rank updates automatically • View historical ranking data and trends • Access advanced reporting features • Monitor competitor rankings (coming soon) • Get ranking change alerts (coming soon) The best part? It's completely free while in beta! No credit card required. What makes That's Rank! different: • Beautiful, intuitive interface that makes rank tracking enjoyable • Focus on simplicity without sacrificing power • Daily updates for all your keywords • Transparent pricing (free forever plan available after beta) • Built for both beginners and SEO professionals I'd love to hear your feedback and answer any questions you might have 🙂 What better way to start the New Year right by ensuring you're tracking your SERP rankings 😉 Try it out at 🚀