Talking fast can lead to a lack of clear enunciation, articulation and an engaging tone, preventing your message from taking hold in the listener's mind. Tempo warns you while that happens, in real-time, so you can make adjustment.
Hey there 👋🐱,
Today I am launching Tempo, a super simple MacOS app that gently pings you when you are talking too fast during presentations.
story time 👇
I lived it myself, presenting to Craig Federighi one of my features during my time at Apple and after the presentation one of my manager's feedback was that I was going a little too fast. I see it when my wife presents her work, often in times there are bursts of speeches that make the presentation difficult to absorb. And I see it often when my colleagues present their work on a weekly basis.
Post presenting feedback is great but it doesn't really prevent this from happening next time you present your work. And of course practice helps a tons but even better, practice while it's happening: get notified in real time when you are speeding a little during your presentation and just adjust your tempo.
end of story time ☝️
Feature lists. While Tempo is super simple to use, it's packed with features:
1️⃣ Personalized notifications: you can choose to be notified either via sound, notification, or both, and adjust the sound if you want to
2️⃣ Burst Detection & Overall Flow: whether you tend to speed up for a short period of time or your overall flow is too fast, with not enough breaks or emphasis on the right words, we have your back. Tempo detects both of the issues and send different notifications for each, for you to adjust accordingly.
3️⃣ Speech Profiles: some tends to talk slow and some tends to talk naturally fast. in Tempo you can choose your speech profile and we adjust the algorithm to take that into account. If you generally tend to speak slow Tempo will be a little more rigid and warns you sooner, but if you are a fast speaker the algorithm will be a little more relaxed. Tempo adjusts to you.
4️⃣ Multi language support: Tempo supports over 30 languages and 60 locales
5️⃣ Multi platform: whether you use Zoom, Slack, or Google meet, or any other video conference software, Tempo just works out of the box.
Tempo is free to try, so let me know what you think!