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Teamble AI

Give and get 10X better feedback, unlock your potential

Teamble AI helps give and get 10x better employee feedback throughout the year. Better feedback -> better learning -> higher performance! All seamlessly on Slack and Microsoft Teams!

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Hello Product Hunt family 👋

When we launched Teamble here on PH in 2021, we were rolling our sleeves to fix a major problem at work:

▶️ Feedback at work is broken. Managers either #1 don’t give feedback at all, or when they do, #2 it’s just bad.

Teamble 1.0 was built to make feedback simple and continuous, so that it happens more, and we fix problem #1

And it worked, thanks to your help we were Product #1 Of The Day here🙏

And Employees using Teamble gave and received 22x more feedback than before.

But while we unlocked thousands of feedback conversations… we didn’t fully fix problem #2: the bad feedback.

And here’s why:

Most managers aren’t trained in strategic, developmental, or critical conversations. And no one-time training session is going to change that.

So we have been building Teamble 2.0 with teamble AI at its core. Here is what it's all about:

With Teamble 2.0, every employee is now supported by an AI agent that is:
✅ Trained in the science & best practices of feedback
✅ Built on growth mindset, radical candor, and strengths-based development
✅ Powered by advanced reasoning models to help you craft high-quality feedback in real-time

Think of it as your personal feedback coach—at your fingertips, always on, helping you grow.

We’re so so excited to be back here! Come check us out!!!