Design custom shopify storefront collection grids with editorial images/videos and dynamic AI sorting to boost shopper conversion. 1-click install, no-code required, with zero impact on site speed.
I’m excited to launch Supergrid for ecomm stores - a hyper-creative way to design editorial & intelligent collection grids.
Why? 🩸
Over 80% of shoppers interact with collection grids - but the majority of ecomm stores display static, boring 4x4 grids that lead to aimless ☠️ doomscrolling ☠️ - and it really hurts conversions.
We have a big belief that any ecommerce brand of any size — should be able to create Pinterest-quality discovery experiences in a world of AI.
We were shocked at how much time, money and effort brands put into their stores to showcase their unique story and identity, but still fall incredibly short with their primary organic discovery channel - collection grids.
Who? 🤩
🚀 We are currently powering 100s of ecomm brands from 🇸🇪🇩🇰🇺🇸🇬🇧🇨🇦🇫🇷 such as Our Legacy, Hope, Baum, Soeur, Aiayu, Kotn, Sene, Soulland, Nanushka, and JOSEPH to launch 1000s of new collections.
Supergrid by Depict is built with love by a team based in 🇸🇪 Stockholm, Sweden. We are obsessed with making e-commerce creative again - and we are a 2x top YC startup.
How it works⚡️
😍 Curate: Handpick images, videos, and brand assets alongside key products with dead simple drag-and-drop
👀 Visualize: Instant mobile/desktop previews of your storefront, with key product, stock, sales & clicks data
🧠 AI Automate: Sort collections with rules and our algorithm. Promote/demote products on status, tags or collections
⚡️Instant: Real-time syncs with Shopify, with zero impact to site speed
We are just getting started - try Supergrid by Depict and let me know what you think! 🚀