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Subscribe to your favorite products with crypto
Subscribe with crypto to any SaaS in the world, even if they don't accept crypto.
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GM hunters! Cards are still the main payment method for SaaS. But most humans can't access basic banking. That means → 'No Card ⛔️ No Access' to SaaS products. The good news → unbanked people adopt crypto much faster because it's a forced measure. Our solution is simple and elegant → when you pay for subscription with familiar crypto → we issue special card that can be used exactly to subscribe to that specific product with plan you chose. Just a few taps from top-up your wallet with USDC to be subscribed to the product you want. Access isn’t revolutionary, it’s mandatory. We believe SaaS should be inclusive. The world is changing and people cannot be left behind. Time to build for the global majority. Subdoor is a crypto door to SaaS world. Let us know please which products you want to see on our platform. Appreciate your feedback and spreading the word 🙏