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StreamAlive App for Zoom

Just put it in the chat

Run polls, quizzes, word clouds, spinner wheels, and more directly from the Zoom chat. No second screen. No browser tab hopping. 100% powered by the chat stream.

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Hey Product Hunter! Thanks for stopping by. I’m Lux Narayan, CEO & co-founder at StreamAlive. I’d like to share how StreamAlive was an accidental side-track from a different journey… In 2020, for various reasons including a a medical emergency in the family, I took a break from work. This was around the time the world went into lockdown due to Covid. It was a surreal time to say the very least. I used my newfound “free time” to write a book that had been in my head and in many scattered digital notes for many years. It was published in 2021, and is called “Name, Place, Animal, Thing: An Inspiring Fable for Grown-Ups about Hope, Positivity, and Living your Best Life”. At that time, I didn’t know the first thing about writing, publishing, and marketing a book. So, to learn these skills, I ended up attending six online classes delivered over 56 live sessions on Zoom, YouTube Live, and Facebook Live. Mostly on Zoom. Across all of these, I noticed some recurring patterns… The class sizes ranged from 20 to 1200 but the one constant in all of these sessions was that the chat often went by faster than the presenters could keep pace. As a result, 95% of the audience was usually ignored and as a consequence, disengaged. This was especially true when the presenter asked questions like Where are you joining us from?” or “What is your #1 takeaway from today?” People enthusiastically responded, only to be ignored! In a few instances, the presenter would try to encourage the audience to “participate” by installing an app, entering a code at another website, or doing other forms of browser gymnastics. For every person who correctly followed these instructions, five others would be thoroughly confused, and four others would simply enter their answers directly in the native chat itself- on Zoom, YouTube Live, etc. In short, people were super active on the chat. Nevertheless, they were disengaged. This got us thinking: Wouldn’t it be great to have a product that could simply read the native chat on the platform of choice and translate it into a real-time, context-aware, visual “voice of the audience?” Could we move sessions from talk-talk-talk-talk to talk-listen-talk-listen? This was the beginning of StreamAlive. I reconnected with my co-founders and ex-colleagues at our previous startup and we got together on a new adventure. StreamAlive now supports many live session platforms, and the vision is to support pretty much every major live platform out there. For many of these, we will launch bespoke apps to make it even easier for our users. The first of these is our app on Zoom. Do give it a try. I promise your sessions won’t be the same again. We truly believe in what it says on our company T Shirts: ” Connect & Interact & Include & Engage.” (fun fact, it doesn’t have a logo in the front of teh shirt) We believe in our mission of making large-scale conversations human again through inclusivity, and of making live events and livestreams alive. Please share any feedback or comments you may have. Thank you. Namaste!