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Streak Hunter

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Top comment

Dear Hunter & Makers,

One of my biggest private pains was that I lost my PH streak twice last year. 😿

I did a little bit of research and didn't find a function built into PH to remind me of my streak.

At this moment, "STREAK HUNTER" came into the world! 🤩

I know this isn't the biggest pain for many of you guys, but some of you may feel what I say and need a daily reminder for the streak.

Now you have it, and the best part is - it's completely free and this forever. I don't want to charge anything for this. Maybe I'll advertise my own tools inside this tool one day, but STREAK HUNTER will never have a paid plan. I promise.

It's a nice lightweight solution, not many functions.

Please give me your feedback, guys. Only with your feedback can I make this product even better! 🐝