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Statsig Session Replay

Ship better products with contextual user insights

Statsig's integrated session replays give crystal clear insights into how users experience your product, allowing you to see what resonates, and fix what doesn't. Benefit from direct integration with Analytics, Feature Flags, & A/B Tests.

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Hi Hunters 👋 I’m Margaret-Ann, Head of Product at Statsig. Statsig is an all-in-one platform spanning across Analytics, Feature Flagging, A/B testing, and now, Session Replays, free for up to 10,000 sessions each month! Today, we are proud to announce Session Replay to the PH community, which will give you contextual and qualitative insights into how users are engaging with your product. Check it out at: Our goal in building Session Replay was to broaden the tools available on Statsig's platform, and eliminate barriers for startups looking to take their first steps toward becoming data-driven. Two things for this launch I want to call out: 1. Quick start with auto-capture: With auto-capture, you can start recording your first user session without manually logging a single event. This will allow you to immediately know where users are getting stuck and dropping off. 2. Product Analytics Integrations with Session Replay: If you are already using Statsig for Product Analytics, you can easily jump into the Session Replay when conducting a funnel analysis to understand why users didn't progress. If you're not familiar with Statsig, try is out free for up to 1M metered events per month. Check out our docs: Thanks for checking Statsig out. Any feedback / reviews are greatly appreciated!