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Start List

Validate your business ideas in days not months

Start List is here to revolutionize the way you validate your business ideas. Designed for founders with a lot of ideas, this powerful tool allows you to focus on the marketing aspects and starting getting quickly early adopters with a waitlist system.

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Hello, Product Hunt Community! 👋 🚀 As an entrepreneur constantly navigating the thrilling yet challenging path of bringing new ideas to life, I've experienced firsthand the dilemma of developing MVPs without truly understanding if they align with user needs. This recurring challenge sparked a realization: there had to be a better way to validate startup ideas before diving deep into development. That's when we decided to take matters into our own hands, leading to the creation of Start List — our very own tool designed to streamline the idea validation process, enabling us to efficiently test and refine multiple concepts at the same time. Start List isn't just another tool; it's a comprehensive tool that empowers you to launch a visually appealing, user-friendly website in record time and collect emails from early adopters with a pre-built waiting list system. It's packed with essential features aimed at validating your ideas: from marketing pages to sign-up forms, a waitlist system, and more. Our goal was to eliminate the technical barriers often associated with testing ideas, allowing you to focus on gathering real user feedback and making informed decisions. We built Start List out of a genuine need, and it's transformed the way we approach startup ideas. We're excited to share it with you, hoping it will facilitate your entrepreneurial journey just as it has ours. Let's embrace innovation together. We're here to support your journey from concept to validation, making sure every step is as informed and efficient as possible. With gratitude and excitement, 💜 Ayoub