The best way to copy, paste, and manage snippets of text!
Snippeta simplifies copying, pasting, and managing text snippets. Easily store them on your device, organize with groups/sub-groups, and switch themes (light/dark). Pro unlocks cloud sync, backup, premium themes, and multi-device access—all in one app.
Snippeta 2.0 is here! The app has been rebuilt from the ground up! Here is what's new:
- Brand new app design, user interface, and user experience.
- Quickly copy snippet text from the device home screen with widgets.
- Find your snippets fast by searching via keyword(s).
- Format your snippet text as numbered, dashed, and bullet-point lists.
- Store snippets directly on your device, or sync/backup with Snippeta Cloud*.
- Create groups to organize your snippets logically, and nested sub-groups to create a hierarchy*.
- Move snippets up, down, to top, and to bottom.
- Fine-tune your experience by selecting a theme you like.
- Light and dark mode support (based on theme).
- Sync and backup snippets with Snippeta Cloud.
- Supportability options to get help or give feedback.
*requires Snippeta Pro subscription.