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SEO content automation system
SEOPulser helps to automate your SEO content creation workflow. Simply create a project, add some keywords, and it will automatically generate and publish high-quality SEO-optimized articles to your website.
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Hey! A few months ago I was looking for an idea of my next SaaS and couldn't find anything interesting. Then I realized that maybe it makes sense to take a niche that already has a demand and create a product for that niche. After some time I analyzed a lot of different niches and decided to build my own article generator :) I know, sounds boring, but after researching the competition I realized that most of the products in this niche have very limited features and the quality of the content they give is not that good. So, I spent a couple of months building this SaaS that can help you to automate your SEO content creation workflow. You can set up a project in 2 minutes and it will automatically generate and publish content to your website for as long as you want. You can add and organize your keywords, generate eye-catching and SEO-optimized titles, and of course, high quality articles that have images, videos, meta description, tags, etc. You can also create organizations and sub-accounts (for business and agency plans). It has a lot of other features, but it's gonna take too much time describing all of them. I highly suggest you to check it out and am sure you gonna like it. If you have any question or require any specific features, let me know!