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Break complex goals to simple daily tasks with AI

The 🔑 to achieving goals FAST is planning, learning from mistakes and if possible - being mentored. The more accurate and small tasks you plan, the more you get done. We help you plan with AI and let you export your tasks to calendar OR get newsletter.

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I've been into sports since I was 4 years old. I've competed in lots of sports throughout the years, but the one where I learnt my life-long lessons was Track and Field. A sport where 99% of the work is done in the shadows and most of it - alone. We all set goals for ourselves. Some more realistic, some are only a dream. Even though I've failed a lot, when I didn't - there was always a same pattern that guided me to my goal. Same things I was doing that brought me success. The pattern was: 1. Plan everything - the more details you get in, the better. 2. Identify your mistakes, some of them aren't visible. Don't repeat them. Learn from them. 3. Track results. Improvement does not involve luck. 4. If possible - have a mentor. Even though it seems so clear, sometimes it takes months and years to get to our goals. It is very easy to get lost. To forget your mistakes and repeat them. To forget your goals and plans you set up. This is a problem I am trying to fix. Selfletter is an AI assistant that helps you plan. The more you elaborate on a goal and specify your needs - the more accurate it'll be. Write paragraphs, think about everything, weekdays you can work on, the hours you're free. It'll help you accordingly. Then, you can export it either to your calendar or signup for a newsletter that'll remind you of your tasks everyday. It'll send you tasks you've set for yourself, reminders and mistakes you don't want to forget and other tips as well. It is mainly a way to stay organized and focused, as these are super important to goal-achieving. I am very open to conversation and happy to improve. I would like for you to tell me what you think about the product, Is the AI fine-tuned enough? what there's to fix? What's good and what's bad? Would you try it?