Portfolio builder for non-front-end web developers
Build your online developers portfolio online that non-techies like managers, recruiters and HR want to read, without thinking about design and responsiveness.
Hey Hunters 👋,
A back-end developer is not necessarily a creative person, but their skills are real and important (back-end > front-end ? 👀). This is true of all other developers who are not front-end web developers.
Front-end web developers think it's all about HTML, CSS and a tremendous amount of Javascript framework.
Spoiler: No 🤓.
Building a portfolio can be a pain because you must think about the design, figure out what kind of information to display to maximize your chances of landing a job (freelance, full-time job...).
So, here's Scoutt It.
You provide all the relevant information to put in your portfolio and Scoutt It will generate a portfolio that is well designed and gives non-techies like recruiters, managers the chance to browse it.
No credit card required for building it.
No recurring payment, lifetime access when you want to deploy it.
We’d love to hear your thoughts!