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AI that talks about your product on Reddit automatically

Replyhub finds thousands of people on Reddit who want your product and mention your product in relevant discussions naturally.

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Hey Product Hunt! 👋 I'm Tanzirul, founder of Replyhub. I'm thrilled to introduce Replyhub to the Product Hunt community today. As a founder and marketer, I've always struggled with finding genuine, organic ways to promote products without coming across as spammy or intrusive. That's why we built Replyhub. The Problem🤷‍♂️: In today's crowded digital landscape, it's harder than ever to get your product in front of the right people. Traditional marketing often feels forced, and consumers are increasingly skeptical of ads. Meanwhile, there are thousands of potential customers out there actively discussing problems that your product could solve – but how do you find and engage with them authentically? Our Solution😎: Replyhub is an AI-powered SaaS that automatically finds and engages with relevant discussions about your product across Reddit. Here's how it works: Smart Discovery: Replyhub scans Reddit to find people who are likely to be interested in your product or are discussing related topics. Natural Engagement: Our AI crafts personalized, context-appropriate responses that organically mention your product where it's relevant. Scale with Authenticity: Reach thousands of potential customers in a way that feels natural and helpful, not promotional. Why Replyhub? Save Time: No more manual searching for relevant threads. Increase Visibility: Get your product mentioned in discussions where it matters most. Maintain Authenticity: Our AI ensures responses are helpful and contextual, preserving your brand's integrity. We're excited to help businesses connect with their audience in a more meaningful way. If you're tired of traditional marketing and want to try a more organic approach, we'd love for you to give Replyhub a shot. I'd love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you might have. Looking forward to your feedback!