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Generate hundreds of personalized documents in minutes

Tired of complex mail merge? Create customized documents at scale with our simple template editor. Design templates, add variables, upload your CSV, and generate hundreds of personalized documents instantly.

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Hey Product Hunt! Stanley Hugo here, maker of Quillflow 👋 Here's how Quillflow makes document generation simple: 1. Design your template in our document editor 2. Add/Create in just one click 4. Upload your CSV with your data 5. Generate all PDF documents in seconds I built Quillflow after getting frustrated with complex mail merge tools. The idea is simple: create beautiful, personalized documents without the headache of traditional mail merge. Would love to hear your feedback and answer any questions! I'll be here all day. Quick Use Cases: - Legal teams creating contracts - Finance teams generating invoices - HR teams creating offer letters - Operations handling approval documents Happy to answer any questions about use cases or features! 🚀