Hola Product Hunt community! 👋
My name is Olive - I'm a web and brand designer with a history in social media management. Last February I decided to dive head-first into app development.
I've never developed anything other than websites using drag-and-drop builders, so what made me think I could build apps? Airtable did, the scoundrel! And the platform also got me addicted to app-building in the process. Can't stop won't stop 💪
I know what you're thinking. When most people hear Airtable, they think of a boring Excel-style database, not an app-development platform. Yet here we are at my second Airtable app launch! It definitely won't be the last. Airtable is the future.
Punch 🥊 Time Tracker is an Airtable app for tracking, scheduling, and blocking your time, so you can be more productive. I built it because I either work too many hours in a row and burn out, or don't manage to get enough done from struggling to maintain focus. Now, with just a couple clicks, my entire week is planned out. It's sorcery ✨
Here's a peek of what Punch can do:
🟡 Punch Cards: Don't think, just Punch! Getting to work can be hard enough, so tracking your time should be easy. All it takes is a single button press on any page to capture every minute.
🟡 Quick Scheduling: Taking a lot of time to plan your day is counter-productive. With powerful automations and custom scripts, Punch will plan your day, week, and month in seconds.
🟡 Time Blocking: Try out different productivity techniques, or design your own with 💎 Workday Styles. Punch comes preloaded with nearly a dozen templates for your daily schedule that can be added to your calendar in a click.
🟡 Earnings & Project Tracking: Time is money! Figure out what projects are taking up the most time and what's raking in the most dough.
🟡 Prebuilt & Custom Templates: Triaging your time is hard work, but you don't have to do it alone. Punch comes jam-packed with almost 50 templates for Shifts, Time Blocks, and every style of workday.
Punch Time Tracker is designed for quick, easy, and efficient personal scheduling so you can be your most productive self.
What do you think, Product Hunt? Feeling Punchy? 🥊 Enjoy 25% off with promo HUNTPUNCH at checkout! You can also access a read-only version of the app for free on my website.
Thanks so much for your support! 💛