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Your offline personal AI assistant

Create a QnA bot on your data with 100% privacy and security.

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🚀 Introducing PrivateGPT - Your Offline Personal AI Assistant Hello, Product Hunters! 🐱 We're excited to introduce PrivateGPT, an innovative tool that leverages the power of language models for private, offline document interactions. Inspired by work of imartinez, PrivateGPT allows you to ask questions to your documents without an internet connection, using the power of LLMs (Large Language Models). The standout feature of PrivateGPT is that it's 100% private. No data leaves your execution environment at any point, meaning you can ingest documents and ask questions without an internet connection. 🌐 Offline Operations PrivateGPT operates without an internet connection. Whether you're offline by choice or due to circumstances, PrivateGPT ensures your work continues uninterrupted. 🔒 Privacy-centric Design PrivateGPT is built with privacy as a core principle. Your data doesn't leave your execution environment, providing you with a secure and private AI tool. 📚 Powerful Document Interactions Built with LangChain, GPT4All, LlamaCpp, Chroma, and SentenceTransformers, PrivateGPT allows you to ask questions and interact with your documents in a meaningful​l way. 🛠️ Easy Setup To set up PrivateGPT, refer our GitHub page We're looking forward to your feedback as you explore PrivateGPT. Give it a try and let us know what you think!