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Get summaries of podcast episodes as they go live

PodSnap.AI is an AI web app that sends you text and audio summaries of podcast episodes as soon as they come out. You can stay up-to-date with your favorite podcasts, and easily decide which episodes you'd like to listen to.

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👋🏻 Hello Product Hunt community! I'm thrilled to share PodSnap.AI with you today! 🚀 PodSnap.AI ensures you never miss a podcast episode again by delivering high-quality, AI-generated text and audio summaries directly to your inbox immediately after new episodes are published. 🎧 With access to over 4.2 million podcasts, you can stay up-to-date with your favorite ones and quickly learn key insights. This also allows you to easily decide which episodes to listen to. How it works: 1) Visit the website and create an account – it only takes a few clicks! 2) Follow your favorite podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. 3) Receive AI-generated text and audio summaries to your inbox for every new episode. PodSnap.AI is still in Beta, so we would love to get your feedback. Your input is very much appreciated as we continue to iterate on and improve PodSnap.AI 🙏🏻 We've selected 24 popular podcasts, which you can follow for FREE! In addition, for 1 week, we're offering the ProductHunt community 30% OFF for 3 months for the Pro plan - enter "PH30" at checkout 🎁 Give PodSnap.AI a try today! ✨ And thank you for your support ❤️ Best, Rok