We’re reimagining the Professional Network. Join Peerlist for the most beautiful professional profile, community of people with ability, and credibility, and much more!
Today is a big day for everyone here at Peerlist! We are finally getting out-of-beta after working on Peerlist for more than 2 years.
You must be wondering why we’re building a Professional Network while there is already a big player in the market since decades. Well here are few things:
1. We want to redefine Professional Networking
This used to sound absurd initially when we just started. But now we are much more confident that we can do it. We’re focused on this ultimate goal!
“It’s just as hard to build a mediocre company as a transformative one. Both will take 100% of your time. So you might as well work on a bigger idea.”
- James Currier
The way we network has changed significantly in recent times. Credibility and proof-of-work are the most critical recruitment factors and became even more significant since remote work become a norm. Companies don’t hire just by your past work experience or academics. We enable you to showcase your work more effectively and expose you to new opportunities.
2. We are building something people want!
We started receiving overwhelming responses just after launching the invite-only beta. Our early adopters started adding their Peerlist profile to their Twitter bio, in their resumes, sharing it with recruiters, and recommending it to their friends. We grew to 40,000+ users just by word-of-mouth!
Peerlist is growing significantly month-on-month, and all our new users are joining us by word-of-mouth. We haven’t spent a single penny on marketing till today. All the growth is organic. We are taking this as a signal that we are solving the right problem.
3. We are enjoying it!
We launched our public beta on 24th May 2022 here on Product Hunt. What a day it was and what a response we got! We still can’t forget that day. We were nervous like hell.
The adrenaline rush of shipping your side project is something else. The response we received from our community was just excellent.
@heyyogini and I embarked on this incredible journey after considerable contemplation. Though the days come with ups and downs, we enjoy this journey. And now we are an incredible team of 6. We are confident we will keep growing from here - getting better at what we are doing, helping more and more people, and solving more and more problems.
Our journey has just started, and we are grateful for the continued support of Product Hunt community! 💚
Please do share your feedback, questions or anything you would love to know about Peerlist.