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AI organizer and workspace for your browser tabs

Workspace with an autopilot system that automatically organizes and summarizes your browser tabs using AI.

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Hi Product Hunters! 🐇 Make gathering information online and organizing your ideas efficient. We didn’t build a new browser because viewing a webpage isn’t the problem—finding information and organizing your browser tabs into ideas and action items efficiently is. That’s why we created an autopilot system that handles 80% of the initial browser tab organization that you either hate doing yourself or get so frustrated by that you nuke your browser once you have 50+ tabs open. Then, we built a workspace that provides a better UX for organizing, ideating, and navigating your daily explorations and work online. We combined the two into a single tool and called it Peek. Peek integrates with existing browsers (Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave for now), so you don’t have to learn a new one. Your AI autopilot system: - Organizes tabs into suggested groups as you work. 🗂️ - Summarizes web page collections with one click. 📝 - Finds related pages from your browser history as you type. 🔍 - Keeps related tabs grouped together. 📌 Using the workspace you can: - Quickly prioritize, organize, and switch between tasks using drag-and-drop. ⏫ - Add notes to topics, keeping ideas and tabs together. 📕 - Search across all notes and web pages. 🔎 - Close and open all tabs related to a topic. ❌ - Save tabs for later easily from your browser. 💾 Leave comments, share it with your friends and coworkers, and feel free to email me directly with any thing at all [email protected]. Find me on LinkedIn You lead the way and Peek will follow you down the rabbit hole, Ankur