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PDF2Anki 3.0

Save hours making flashcards and revision material

Meet PDF2Anki - the Best AI flashcard generator. PDF2Anki makes it simple for anyone to make flashcards and revision material without spending hours. Integrated with popular flashcard platforms Anki and Quizlet.

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hey fellow learners! we are a team of 2 medical students who stumbled upon this problem of spending countless hours making our notes manually and not actually studying them. As students we know time is such a scarcity throughout the semester and We want to change that by helping you automate the notes-creation process with AI. As active recall nerds, PDF2ANKI can save you hours making your beloved anki cards (.apkg format) so that you can go from understanding to active recall in minutes. In this new version, we have also added various revision forms such as MCQs, Cloze, and summary notes. The groundbreaking of all is the new learning mode, Tutor mode, which helps break down your knowledge into a lesson format and facilitate knowledge priming. Happy for you lifelong learners to give it a try! and definitely give us your feedback!