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Censorship-free AI chat & search engine

OSO is a censorship-free AI Search Engine that scans the entire internet using advanced AI to find and summarize relevant information. OSO also has an unrestricted AI chat, allowing users to ask any question, enabling unrestricted access to information.

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Hey everybody! This is our first launch of OSO - we've been working on it the past 8 months. The mission behind OSO is to create a better way for people to access information and interact with technology. We've developed an AI Search Engine that reads through the entire internet, pulls out relevant information, and delivers a detailed summary - saving users immense time over endless scrolling through traditional search engines to piece together fragmented information. We also trained our own censorship-free AI Chat, because we were alarmed by the big tech censorship of common LLMs and believe that freedom of information and letting people formulate their own opinions is critical for a bright future. In the near future we will be combining AI Search and Uncensored Chat into a unified UI and opening up our API so anyone can build applications on-top of OSO. We would love your feedback so we can continue building OSO to benefit our users. We prioritize new features based on community votes - from within the app menu you can request features, report bugs, make suggestions, and vote on what other users have suggested. Share your thoughts about what's needed most in the AI ecosystem in this 10 second survey and get 1 month of OSO Pro for Free! Thanks for taking the time to check out OSO!