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OpenArt Consistent Characters

Craft your characters and stories with ease

OpenArt Characters lets you create images of consistent characters from just one image or description. Pose, place, and combine them in any scene for infinite storytelling possibilities.

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Hey everyone! 👋

Coco here, co-founder and CEO of OpenArt.

Since the dawn of time, stories have connected us. whether it’s a campfire tale, a childhood bedtime story, or the latest binge-worthy series. Stories make us feel, dream, and connect. One of my favorite things as a kid was acting out roles from stories in our textbooks.

But here’s the thing: every great story needs a hero. And for visual storytellers, creating desirable consistent characters has always been a huge challenge.

😲 Not any more! 😲

At OpenArt, we’ve been working very hard to make visual storytelling not just easier, but joyful. And today, I’m thrilled to share our latest breakthrough: Consistent Character features.

Imagine being able to bring your protagonist to life, scene after scene, without losing their essence. Whether you’re crafting a graphic novel, a music video, or comic panels, this feature is here to make your creative process smoother and more fun.

  • Create your own consistent characters easily with one click from only one image or pure text description

  • Generate images of your consistent character with ease

  • Bring your character to life with image to video

  • 3D poser to control your character

  • Place your character in any scene with inpainting


To celebrate our Product Hunt launch, we're offering a discount for the Product Hunt community:

  • Use HUNTED2025 to enjoy 20% discount for your first monthly subscription

  • The yearly subscription is already at 50% discount

The discount code is valid for the next 48 hours. Your first character after you subscribe will also cost you 0 credits!

I can’t wait to see what you create with it. Let’s bring those characters to life together.


The OpenArt Team