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Save 10h/week in tiring sales tasks & Gong call reviews

Prep for meetings in 5 minutes, get auto-filled MEDDIC scorecards, send AI-written personalized follow-up emails, and complete all CRM tasks automatically with Oliv. Get started at 0$ and win a free lifetime license by helping us decide the price. ​

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Hi Product Hunt fam, Sellers today are unnecessarily overwhelmed with admin tasks. You could hire a personal assistant, but only high-earning Enterprise B2B sellers can afford them. They don’t come cheap—we're talking $5k a month! But here's the scoop: AI's tossing that old rule out the window.🙅‍♂️ Meet Oliv: the AI Copilot that eliminates admin tasks for every seller. Here's what's in store for you: 1️⃣ Pre-meeting research: In-depth research is done before every meeting, so you can prep in less than 5 minutes. 2️⃣ Live MEDDIC scorecards and notes: Never miss asking the right questions, and focus on the conversation while Oliv takes notes and fills out your scorecards. 3️⃣ Personalized AI-generated emails: Get AI-generated personalized emails to send with a click so that follow-ups never slip through the cracks. 3️⃣ Fully automated CRM data entry: No more manual CRM entries after a long day. Oliv takes care of it. While your colleagues stay up late listening to Gong call recordings and doing data entry, you can always clock out on time. How? Oliv's got your back. And wait—it gets even better: 🎁 We are giving away 10 FREE lifetime Oliv licenses to up your sales game! Try Oliv for free, and in the comments, tell us how much you would pay for the Oliv experience. We’ll average the suggestions to decide the final price, and the 10 users closest to the final price will win a free lifetime Oliv license! And don’t sweat, even if you don't win; enjoy Oliv with 5 free AI credits every month, on the house! 😎👍 Offer ends on Monday, May 21, at 11:59 PM PST. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 22, 2024. Cheers, Ishan and Team Oliv P.S.: Can’t sign up using your work email? Add [email protected] to any meeting and get a taste of Oliv. 🫒