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Product vs the next 3
next play
Discover under the radar startup jobs, people & events
We help people find their next play. We introduce you to breakout startups, invite you to gatherings, and match you with collaborators.
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Hey PH friends, so great to be back here as a maker ✨ I'm thrilled to share next play with the world. Over the past few months, we've been building the home base for talented people exploring what comes next. We want to help people who are considering joining their next thing, starting something, both, or unsure. We want to be there for you. We do that by sending opportunities through a Substack newsletter, hosting exclusive gatherings around the world, interviewing great folks on our podcast, and curating lists. I'd like to give a huge shoutout to the amazing community we're building together with folks hosting locally in New York, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle, Denver, London, Paris, Berlin, Austin, Los Angeles, Lisbon, Chicago and more soon! @danschreter @bremner @davidquiring, @danallon, @pavithran_chidambaram, @tinahrabak, @abbesmith, @andyapple, @adrian_calderon, @florian_bachelot, Adam Stevens, Sahar Afrakhan, Danielle Jing 🙌🏻 ✨ Huge shoutout to @alexbanaga the iconic designer who's helped us so much with our branding and podcast. If you know someone exploring what comes next, please send them our way 🙏 Let me know if you have any questions about next play!