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Run your business smarter

An all-in-one tool for freelancers, contractors, consultants, and micro businesses to monitor financial health, time-track projects, store files, and send invoices.

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Hi everyone! After 8 months of building Midday, we're very excited to finally launch on Product Hunt 🚀 Viktor and I started Midday as a side project out of frustrations from running our own businesses. We faced challenges with gaining financial insights into how our businesses were doing, tracking hours, sending invoices, and collecting everything for our accountants across different systems. So we started by sharing publicly on X and joined the community of builders. We embraced the journey of being fully open-source ( and an open-startup with public metrics and values. And since then, we have gathered over 3,800+ businesses that have joined Midday during our private beta. Here are some of our top features: ◆ Financial Overview: Get real-time insight into your business's financial state. ◆ Magic Inbox: Automatically match incoming receipts to the correct transaction. ◆ Vault: Keep all your files, agreements, and more safe in one place. ◆ Time Tracker: Track your project's time. ◆ Assistant: Ask anything around your business. Special Thanks To: My partner for being the biggest supporter Steven Tey for inspiring us to build our own thing Peer Richelsen for making OSS mainstream Guillermo Rauch + Vercel team for Vercel and Next.js Supabase team for our backend Shadcn for the best UI components in town A big thank you to our early adopters who believed in us from day one. We wouldn't be where we are without you, and we will never forget that. If you want to join this launch in real-time or just want to say hi, you can join our live stream: We've put a lot into building Midday, and we really hope you like our product! Let us know if you have any feedback – thank you for your support 🖤