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Become fluent faster through conversational practice
Stop practicing vocab and learn to speak a new language through engaging exercises with an AI language tutor. Our lessons are structured to implement language teaching best practices that will improve your spoken communication skills as fast as possible.
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Hi Product Hunt! 👋🏽 I’m Matthew, a Co-Founder @ Lingocat and a full-stack software engineer, I’m excited to share a new product I’ve been building with a good friend of mine, @miroslav_dimitrov1, to help us learn new languages faster. 🗣️ Lingocat - Practice Speaking Have you tried learning to speak a new language, and been overwhelmed by the repetitive grammar and vocabulary lessons? If you have, Lingocat is perfect for you - improve your ability to speak a new language with lessons where you practice communicating in a variety of scenarios and activities! 🤔 Why Lingocat? I spent 6 months learning Spanish before a trip to South America, I used Duolingo with friends, and practiced almost every day on Anki. At the end of the 6 months, I found that I wasn’t any closer to being able speak confidently with other Spanish speakers. Miro and I built Lingocat for other people like us, who want to become conversational, but are struggling with the existing methods for learning a new language. 🧠 Features to help you become conversational - Structured Lessons: Improve your speaking confidence with a variety of lessons for conversation practice that will keep you engaged in different scenarios - AI Language Tutors: Receive feedback in real-time when you make mistakes from an AI language tutor who will provide helpful suggestions and guidance - Progress Tracker: Track your progress towards fluency, you’ll earn points in each lesson every time you successfully use a new word in conversation! - Context-Dependent Hints: Learn how to say new phrases and respond to a variety of questions with dynamic hints that help you formulate a response in your target language. - Vocab Tracker: Check how many words you’ve learned to speak, updated every time you say a new word in a lesson. ⚡Download Lingocat on iOS for FREE today and start your journey to becoming fluent in a new language! Let me know if you have any feedback or questions - we’re constantly working on improving our app, to make language learning easier for everyone, so I’d love to hear what you think and how we can make Lingocat even better for you!! Cheers, Matthew Podolak Co-Founder @ Lingocat 🐱