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Kyligence Copilot

The AI copilot for data to excel your KPIs

Meet Kyligence Copilot – Your AI assistant runs analysis against your KPIs to generate business summaries, identify high-risk tasks, guide you to find the root cause, and even bring suggestions like a domain expert.

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👋 Hello, Product Hunt Community! I'm thrilled to introduce Kyligence Copilot - Your AI copilot for data today, and can't wait to share it with all of you! Our Story 🚀 Our journey of Kyligence started with an open-source big data OLAP project, Apache Kylin, ten years ago, which now has obtained 1500+ global adoptions. Working with our valued customers, we found that building a Metrics Platform is one of our most popular use cases. Real customers successfully enable their business teams to self-serve, define, and analyze their business metrics. The success of the metrics platform built by our customers has inspired us to build Kyligence Zen to help more companies empower metrics-driven decision-making. 📈 We've built Kyligence Zen with business users in mind. Kyligence Zen is the low-code metrics platform for businesses to eliminate BI report limitations and achieve metrics-driven decision-making. Kyligence Zen centralizes scattered metrics to a unified metrics platform, saving you time and ensuring that all your metrics are managed and analyzed in one place. 🛠️ Kyligence Copilot is an AI Copilot for data that is built on the foundation of the Kyligence Zen metrics platform. It leverages the power of a large language model powered by Azure OpenAI, offering users the ability to search for metrics, conduct in-depth analysis, gain valuable insights, and enable the automatic creation of dashboards using intuitive, natural language conversations centered around business metrics. This seamless integration significantly reduces business users' barriers to leveraging data, boosting their overall work efficiency. Highlighted Features of Kyligence Copilot: 📈Effortless Metric Search and Analysis: Users can easily search for metrics in the platform using natural language and ask Kyligence Copilot to conduct analysis and even provide insights on the metrics. 🔍Auto Root Cause Analysis with Chat: Stay ahead of potential business issues with Kyligence Copilot and Root Cause Analysis. By asking the AI copilot to conduct Root Cause Analysis, users can quickly understand metrics' ups and downs and uncover root causes buried in the data. 🎯Identify off-track business and take action: With Goals and Kyligence Copilot, users can align their metrics with business objectives. Kyligence Copilot helps users stay on top of off-track goals, identify root causes, and make metrics-driven decisions. 🛡️Secure and Responsible AI Copilot for Data: Rest assured that your data is safe with Kyligence Copilot. It is powered by Azure OpenAI services (GPT 3.5) for a secure and compliant AI experience. Choose to leverage it as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) directly online or securely deploy it in your virtual private cloud (VPC). 🚀 Be among the first to experience the power of Kyligence Copilot. Join our waitlist for a sneak peek today! 👉 Try out Kyligence Zen with the AI Copilot today and let us know what you think. Your feedback means the world to us!