AI agent capable of continuously improving your website
Keak enables websites to self-improve by using AI to generate website variations and then automatically launching A/B tests. When the tests reach statistical significance we use the data collected to fine-tune your model and repeat the process.
Hey Guys, we're super excited to launch Keak!
We started playing with the idea ~1 year ago, my background is in performance marketing and I wanted to automate part of my workload :)
We've fine-tuned a model on thousands of successful A/B tests and the variations are now better than what I could come up with in most cases!
Keak works on any text or button on your website. To generate variations, you only need to download our extension, you do not need to install our script! Our script is only necessary if you want to launch A/B tests.
Generating variations is completely free, we're excited to see what you think about the quality of our variations!
How it works:
1. Generate variations of your website
2. Launch A/B test
3. When the test reaches statistical significance we use the data collected to fine-tune your model
4. Keak generates new variations
5. New A/B test is launched
6. etc... the process will continuously repeat itself enabling both your website and model to self-improve.
Answers to common questions:
1. Yes, Keak works on most websites!
2. Most languages are supported.
3. Images are coming soon!
Thanks for checking Keak out, if I can do anything to help you launch a test please let me know (Contact us on website)!