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Is My CEO A Fraud?

Figure out how likely an entrepeneur is to commit fraud

Are you sick of LinkedIn lunatics and fraudster CEOs? Then we have the solution for you. Submit anyone's LinkedIn account to our website and we'll roast the shit out of them and tell you how likely they are to commit fraud.

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The tech industry has become full of scammers and frauds. These day's everyone knows someone from their high school who's selling fake supplements or rug-pulling idiots in crypto. So we built a tool that will tell you how likely someone is to commit fraud and roast people just by submitting their LinkedIn profile. For the last year and a half I've written a newsletter called Jabroni Capital that reports tech news & makes fun of the tech industry. Literally every f*cking week I come across a new fraud entrepreneur and find myself laughing about it. So I wanted to build a fun tool so the rest of the tech industry can laugh along with me.