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Train your brain with AI, prepare for any job in tech

Perfect your job-interviews with InterviewJarvis – the AI tool tailored for tech jobs! Practice 200+ questions *based on your resume*, experience realistic simulations, and craft targeted responses. Land your dream job confidently! 🎉 Sign up now!

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Thanks for your attention so far! Appreciate it. You will get an email about how we discovered this specific problem-statement once you sign-up. But I wanna cover the larger intent of this tool here. I grew up watching The Terminator and Piranha movies. The thing is gen-AI is scarier than sci-fi representations of AI. Why? Because AI is learning exponentially and humans - not so much! This means all knowledge-work is going to be transformed. Companies are going to further lay-off and automate day-to-day tasks with AI. It's in their favour! AI-automation is different from earlier software-automation in one key aspect. Software 1.0 did not have its own intelligence hence humans were needed in all parts of its ops. This is not the case with AI-automation. Some of you would have already followed how chatgpt-4.5 was trained. They used chatgpt-3.5 responses to train 4.5, meaning AIs can train more specialised and better AI. The intent of InterviewJarvis is really to train specific AI-instance to "individual-goal" and "success-metric" set by them, starting with the very-first interaction. Each interaction on the tool optimises InterviewJarvis for individual-success, rather than general-success. InterviewJarvis learns your strengths and weaknesses from your resume and creates an interactive preparation guide optimised for your interview success. You could be interviewing for MAANG, PhD or YC. The goal of this AI is to help you succeed in your objective so even if it goes rogue and starts a "Job Apocalypse", it's in our favor as a society. :) Join me in educating your friends, family, cousins and colleagues about this tool. I might be overthinking while writing this, but would love to know others perspective on this matter. I think it's pretty damn serious with lot of signals hinting the chaos lined-up in 2024, in just 1 year of launch of chatgpt. I would sincerely like to incorporate any feedbacks you might have to optimise the tool further. Objective function here is really simple - Make humans capable of competing with AI, in a given knowledge-work domain. It is possible because human-brain is still the most efficient information-management-system out there!