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Indie News

Official indie newspaper

Stay up-to-date with the latest buzz from the #buildinpublic community with handpicked news and summaries by @aliszu. Get a daily dose of sarcasm and wit. Join me, and never miss a beat!

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Hello, all fabulous Indie Makers! Today, I'm excited to announce Indie News - official #buildinpublic newsletter 🔥 In quick summary, Indie News are: 👉 handpicked news and summaries from the #buildinpublic community, curated by yours truly @aliszu. 👉 a daily dose of sarcasm and wit to keep things interesting. 👉 a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest buzz from the indie maker world, without having to spend hours scouring the internet. 👉 good party in Twitter Threads! 👉 a community-driven project that aims to support and promote fellow indie makers by sharing their stories and successes. So join US on this journey, and never miss a beat in the exciting world of #buildinpublic!